Senin, 09 November 2009

Cilla Kung

Cilla Kung Profile and Biography
Name: 樂瞳 / Lok Tung
Real name: 龔茜彤 (龚茜彤) / Gung Sin Tung (Gong Qian Tong)
English name: Cilla Kung
Nickname: 小肥 / Siu Fei (Xiao Fei)
Profession: Actress and model
Birthdate: 1986-July-22
Height: 158cm
Weight: 43kg
Chinese zodiac: Tiger
Family: Brother

Cilla Kung TV Series
Beyond the Realm of Conscience (TVB, 2009)
Burning Flame III (TVB, 2009)
A Pillow Case of Mystery II (TVB, 2009)
Rosy Business (TVB, 2009)
Just Love II (TVB, 2009)
Pages of Treasures (TVB, 2008)
When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West (TVB, 2008)
The Gem of Life (TVB, 2008, cameo)
The Four (TVB, 2008)
Men Don't Cry (TVB, 2007)
Best Selling Secrets (TVB, 2007)

The Haunted School (2006)

Education: Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Business Administration degree)

Cilla kung

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