Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Chow Chung

Chow Chung Profile and Biography
Name: 周驄 / Chow Chung (Zhou Cong)
Also known as: Chow Chong
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1931

Chow Chung TV Series
You're Hired (TVB, 2009)
Burning Flame III (TVB, 2009)
Moonlight Resonance (TVB, 2008)
Marriage of Inconvenience (TVB, 2007)
Fathers and Sons (TVB, 2007)
Heart of Greed (TVB, 2007)
Dicey Business (TVB, 2006)
Net Deception (TVB, 2006)
When Rules Turn Loose (TVB, 2005)
Life Begins at Forty (TVB, 2003)
Point of No Return (TVB, 2003)
Back to Square One (TVB, 2002)
A Taste of Love (TVB, 2001)
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre (TVB, 2001)
Colourful Life (TVB, 2001)
At the Threshold of an Era II (TVB, 2000)
At the Threshold of an Era (TVB, 1999)
Old Time Buddy - To Catch a Thief (TVB, 1998)
The Shell Game (TVB, 1980)

Chow Chung

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