Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Karen Lee Cheuk Ling

Karen Lee Profile and Biography
Name:李焯寧 / Lee Cheuk Ling
Previous name: 李彩寧 / Lee Choi Ning (Li Cai Ning)
English name: Karen Lee
Also known as: 阿雲 / Ah Wun (Ah Yun)
Real name: 李明麗 / Lee Ming Lai (Li Ming Li)
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 1979-Nov-05
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Height: 163cm
Weight: 48kg
Star sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Blood type: B
Family: Parents and younger brother

Karen Lee TV Shows
A Chip Off the Old Block (TVB, 2009)
The Winter Melon Tale (TVB, 2009)
Survivor's Law II (TVB, 2007)
The Ultimate Crime Fighter (TVB, 2007)
The Green Grass of Home (TVB, 2007)
Ten Brothers (TVB, 2007)
The Brink of Law (TVB, 2007)
Treasure Raiders (TVB, 2007)
Placebo Cure (TVB, 2006)
Dicey Business (TVB, 2006)
Face to Fate (TVB, 2006)
CIB Files (TVB, 2006)
Forensic Heroes (TVB, 2006)
La Femme Desperado (TVB, 2006)
Under the Canopy of Love (TVB, 2006)
Greed Mask (TVB, 2006)
The Herbalist's Manual (TVB, 2005)
Always Ready (TVB, 2005)
Revolving Doors of Vengeance (TVB, 2005)
Misleading Track (TVB, 2005)
War and Beauty (TVB, 2004)
Triumph in the Skies (TVB, 2003)
Survivor's Law (TVB, 2003)
Aqua Heroes (TVB, 2003)
Virtues of Harmony (TVB, 2001-2003)
The Legendary Four Aces (TVB, 2000)

Karen Lee

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